How Well Do You Know Eurovision Lyrics? [Level 6]

Fancy yourself as a Eurovision fan? Test out your knowledge with these lyrics! The higher the levels, the harder the lyrics!

Which Eurovision song does the following Lyric belong to:
‘Champs-Élysées, alone la nuit, Le Moulin Rouge, I Feel Guilty’
L’amour à la française  
Je n’ai que mon âme
Chacun pense à soi
Which Eurovision song does the following Lyric belong to:
‘Love’s been building bridges between your heart and mine’
In Your Eyes
Say Wonderful Things  
Could It Be That I’m In Love? 
Which Eurovision song does the following Lyric belong to:
‘Roaming through my old emotions, I find new feelings of misery’
If My World Stopped Turning 
Which Eurovision song does the following Lyric belong to:
‘Quando sembra buio, tu mi fai veder il sole’
Questa Notte 
Sole D’Europa 
Avrei Voluto  
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘I will free from their icy spell, bring you fragrance from nature’s well’
Keep Me Warm 
Never Forget
Keep Me In Mind 
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘Close your eyes and make a wish, could it be a scorching kiss?’
Happy You 
Hold On To Our Love
A Message To Your Heart 
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘Breakin’ it up means bringing it down, you need to get right back on track’
All Out of Luck 
One Step
All To You 
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘Once you promised, seemed so true and sincere, like rhymin’ verses, sweet words rang in my ear’
In a Woman’s Heart 
The First Day of Love
Give Me Your Love 
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘You’re here, making each day seem so clear, now I can smile’
Happy Man 
Jennifer Jennings
Believe Again 
Which Eurovision song does the following lyric belong to:
‘You’ve shattered my heart, now you keep the score’
Hasta La Vista 
Out On My Own 
I Admit 

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